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Grow 8-10 cm in one procedure or up to 15-17 cm in two, with advanced technology and Dr. Yurttas's expertise.


Internal & External Combined

lengthening over nails

Key Features

  • External / Internal: Combined

  • Back to daily life: 15 days

  • Bone Healing: 5-6 months

  • Full Recovery: 9-12 months

  • Max. Height Gain: 1mm/day

    • ​Tibia: 7 cm

    • Femur: 10 cm



precice 2.2

Key Features

  • External / Internal: Internal

  • Back to daily life: 3 months

  • Bone Healing: 5-6 months

  • Full Recovery: 9-12 months

  • Max. Height Gain: 1mm/day

    • Tibia: 7 cm

    • Femur: 8 cm



new Precice Max

Coming Soon

Precice Max is fully internal limb lengthening system, allows patients walk sooner after their surgery and maintain daily activities. This method is expected to be available in Europe starting from 2025.

What is limb lengthening surgery?


Leg lengthening surgery is a revolutionary procedure that utilizes the body's natural ability to regenerate new bone, allowing individuals to increase their height. The surgeon performs an osteotomy, carefully cutting the bone that needs to be lengthened. To ensure stability during the recovery process, the surgeon uses a variety of external and internal fixation devices or frames.


The recovery process is divided into two phases: the distraction phase and the recovery phase. During the distraction phase, the bone is gradually pulled apart to promote new bone growth. The specifics of this phase, including the frequency and amount of distraction, are tailored to each patient and can vary depending on the method used. Typically, the distraction rate is 1mm per day, and the lengthening process takes approximately 60 days for 6 cm and 90 days for 9 cm.


During the recovery phase, the lengthened bone consolidates and heals. The patient gradually puts more weight on their legs and starts walking without support. After full recovery, all physical activities and sports can be resumed. We offer the most advanced methods, including Precice 2, and LON, with the highest success rates and the most affordable prices.

How can I choose the most suitable limb-lengthening method?


When choosing the most suitable method, there are several factors to consider. We offer the following options:


The LON method combines internal and external fixation, allowing a maximum height gain of 5-7 cm for the tibia and 8-9 cm for the femur. Therefore, it has a shorter recovery time for returning to daily life, just 15 days after surgery. However, it should be noted that patients will have limited mobility due to the external fixators, and they must follow the surgeon's instructions carefully during the entire treatment. The LON method involves using external fixators for 2.5-3 months. Once the lengthening phase is completed, the external fixators are removed, and patients can gradually return to their daily life and increase the weight they put on their legs as the bone heals. Most patients reach a point where they can walk without assistance within 4-5 months after the surgery. The process of bone healing typically takes 5-6 months, and full recovery, including regaining strength and mobility, takes 9-12 months. Additionally, this method requires wound and pin site care, regular exercises, and physiotherapy to support the healing process.


Precice 2 is an internal fixation method that uses a titanium nail. It allows for a maximum height gain of 6 cm for the tibia and 8 cm for the femur. During the lengthening phase, patients are required to use a wheelchair. The recovery time for returning to daily life is estimated at 3-4 months, with bone healing taking 5-6 months and full recovery occurring within 9-12 months. It also includes regular exercises and physiotherapy as part of the recovery process.


Precice Max system is unique in its ability to allow patients to walk and bear full weight during their recovery from limb lengthening, a significant improvement over internal systems. It also provides personalized treatment with various nail sizes. While the exact features are not yet known, it’s set to be globally available from 2025.


Maximize your chances of success and minimize your risks with our expert consultation services for limb lengthening surgery, provided directly from the office of Prof. Dr. Yuksel Yurttas.

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